Primary Health Care and its importance in Health System


The majority of community health issues are addressed through primary healthcare, which offers appropriate preventive, curative, and rehabilitative treatments. As these offerings demonstrate. They will differ by country and community and arise from the economic conditions and social values of the nation and its communities, but they will at the very least promote proper nutrition and adequate access to safe water, basic sanitation, maternal and child care, including family planning, immunisation against the main infectious diseases, prevention and control of diseases, health problems and methods of preventing and controlling them, and appropriate use of technology. Understanding primary care from a multidisciplinary perspective (PHC) PHC integrates several healthcare practitioners' specialities into a single concept and framework. Based on the multi-sectorial principles of access, equity, materiality, and suitable technology collaboration, involvement of the community, and empowerment. PHC Philosophy Recognizing that individuals', families', groups', communities', or the nation's health are influenced by social determinants that are shaped by historical, socio political, economic, and cultural circumstances. In a special way, each field adds to the PHC model's ability to provide medical services and care. Primary Health Care is essential healthcare that is made widely available to people and families in the community by methods that are acceptable to them, with their full involvement. It is a major component of the nation's health system, which is essential for the community's social and economic growth. Maximum community and individual self-reliance for health development is essential if primary healthcare is to become as widely available within the community as possible. Full community involvement in the development, organisation, and management of Primary Health Care is necessary to achieve such self-reliance. The most effective strategy to encourage such participation is through appropriate education, which enables communities to address their actual health issues in the most suitable manners. Thus, it would be in a much better position to make logical judgments about primary healthcare and to ensure that the various levels of the national health system offer the proper degree of support. These additional levels must be established and strengthened to support primary healthcare with technical expertise, education, supervision, advice, and logistical support. These referral facilities should also include organisations to whom unresolved issues and specific patients. Community medical examiners will likely provide primary healthcare at a cost that both the community and the nation can afford. Primary healthcare will likely be understood and accepted by the community. If these community medical specialists, including traditional practitioners where appropriate, live in the community they serve and have the necessary social and technical Since primary healthcare is essential to both the nation's overall economic and social development and its healthcare system. Similar to the other sectors that contribute to a nation's overall development strategy, it must be coordinated nationally with other levels of the health system. Investments in PHC enhance equity and access, health system performance accountability, and health outcomes all across the world. Primary health care, or PHC, is "essential health care" that is based on technological advancements and scientifically sound practises that are also socially acceptable.